How to Sue Someone for Breach of Verbal Contract

While verbal contracts may seem less formal than written ones, they are still legally binding agreements. If someone has breached a verbal contract with you, you may have the right to sue them. Here’s how to go about it:

1. Gather Evidence

In order to successfully sue someone for breach of verbal contract, you need to gather as much evidence as possible to support your claim. This may include text messages, emails, and any other written communication that proves the existence of the verbal agreement. You should also try to get witness statements from anyone who was present when the agreement was made.

2. Assess the Damage

You need to determine how much the breach of the verbal contract has cost you. This could include lost profits, expenses incurred as a result of the breach, and any other damages you have suffered. The more information you have about the financial impact of the breach, the better chance you have of winning your case.

3. Consult an Attorney

While you can technically represent yourself in court, it is generally recommended to consult an attorney who specializes in contract law. They can help you assess the strength of your case and provide guidance on how to proceed.

4. File a Lawsuit

If you and your attorney determine that it is in your best interest to sue for breach of verbal contract, you will need to officially file a lawsuit. This involves filling out and submitting paperwork to the appropriate court.

5. Prepare for Trial

Before your trial date, you and your attorney will need to gather all evidence and prepare your arguments. This could involve meeting with witnesses, gathering additional documents, and practicing your presentation.

6. Attend Your Trial

On the day of your trial, you will need to be present and ready to present your case. Be prepared to answer questions from the judge and the opposing party’s attorney.

7. Wait for the Verdict

After your trial has concluded, you will need to wait for the judge to make a verdict. If you win your case, the judge may order the other party to pay damages to you.

In conclusion, suing someone for breach of verbal contract can be a complicated process. It is important to gather as much evidence as possible, consult an attorney, and be prepared for trial. While it may take time and effort to pursue legal action, it is important to protect your rights and enforce the terms of your agreement.

